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Can writing hypnotise you?

Writing in its most basic form is a way of conveying verbal communications through visible signs. It began since there was a ‘need’ for writing, similar to everything that has been invented in the world as ‘necessity is the mother of invention’. The simple need being an urgency to keep up with transactions being made in everyday life. The first forms of written materials were ‘tablets’ made out of clay, and it was more about forming an impression on it than about staining it. The aforementioned paragraph is a very vague and incomplete description of writing. It does explain us a lot of things about its origins, but what it fails to give, is an insight into what writing really means to us. It is so much more than keeping said records and transforming verbal communication into visible.

Throughout the course of several centuries, we have had some spectacular writers whose writings have affected us in some or the other way. Be it Charlotte Bronte or Margaret Atwood. The art of writing is a blessing given to only a selected few, and through this blessing of theirs, they transform lives and leave us mesmerised. The fact that the writer doesn’t even know how much of an impact they’ve had on us and we simply can’t stop thinking about that singular quote of theirs, is beautiful in a very humanly manner.

“You are the writer, producer, and director of your own mind programs.”

Writings have the hidden power of hypnotism .

" The Power Words" as they say are used by therapists, hypnotists and old doctors to hypnotise a person bringing him to a robotic or zombie state .

What are Power Words?




Imagine etc.

You must be wondering that these words sounds normal yet it brings one to a hypnotic state.How?

Power words are the normal words.The way of saying these words bring power to them .

e.g.You can feel happy BECAUSE you are out of pain.Now IMAGINE and on ,it will bring you in trance state.

The Words stagger your imagination, distract you, activate your senses, the words never heard before "uncommon" also makes sense to you now.

The power of writing is immense neither it only drains you out bleeding blue on paper also take you to the trance and act as therapy for you.

Let us talk about elements of writing

Before starting with elements

There is an essential pre-requisite


Writer should read a lot to expand his vocabulary.

As Lisa See said once

“Read a thousand books, and your words will flow like a river.”

Elements of Writing


"The purpose of Life is Life of Purpose"

Let the purpose behind the write ups crystal clear.Choose the genre or type of writing you are into .It could be content writing ,poetries ,stories or personal blogs etc depending on your taste .Pre Planning ,proper research and the message for the readers should be clear before you start penning down the content.

2. Organisation

"Good order is foundation of all things"

Assign the content in the proper paragraphs with the attention seeking head starts.Musings,Snippets ,Free verse ,ballads,Haikus should be in proper format when one intend to write poetries.


One should be able to deliver the picture he imagined while writing the content.

The reader must believe in your writings.

Illustrations, graphics, images , statistics, detailed explanations etc could be used to express your content sharply.

4.Word Choice

Choose the words that readers can co relate to Not too complex not too bland. The words are the magnetic source of all types of writing.Make use of similes, metaphors, oxymoron and idioms to attract the readers

5. Grammatically Correctness

As the Name says Sanitisation of the content is required before delivering it.Grammatical errors perplexes reader's mind .Proper Tenses, Spelling correctness and Subject Verb agreement is must .

"We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect."

Anais Nin

As a writer are the best you can give to yourself is embracing your

insignificance. And then get inspired by such personalities who have done outstandingly well in the fields of writing.

Let me quote such examples to you-

1. Stephen Edwin King

Is an American author of contemporary horror, Supernatural fiction suspense, science fiction and fantasy. His books have sold more than three 50 million copies many of which have been adapted into feature films ,tv shows ,etc. And he has written nearly 200 stories most of which have been collected in the book collection.

2. JRR Tolkien

John Ronald Ruel Tolkien Known by his pen name JRR Tolkien , Was an English writer, poet, philologistAnd University professor who is best known as an order of classic high fantasy works

The Hobbit , The Lord of Rings and The Silmarillion.

3. J.K Rowling

Joanne “Jo” Rowling, OBE, FRSL. She is a British screenwriter novelist and a film producer of the in the author of the best known series the harry potter.

4. Leo Tolstoy

Count Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy What is the Russian writer who is regarded as one of the greatest source of all time. His works are childhood, boyhood and youth and

Sevastopol Sketches based on his experience in Crimean War.

Let us not skip to talk about the mesmerising work of

Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi , more popularly and simply known as “ Rumi”.

His works are written mostly in Persian and also in Turkish , Arabic, Greek.

Masnavi” composed in Konya is considered on of greatest poems of Persian language.

Their extravagant works are undoubtedly an inspiration. It depends on an individual writer

as some write to stay motivated and some have inspiration-based writing.

Irrespective of genre it needs sentiments , enthusiasm and energy to come out with a great piece.

Writing in the modern times is very different from the writing approach which was followed 5 decades ago. There are various elements that has contributed to the evolution of writing from then to now such as technology, opportunities, education etc.

The history of writing started from tokens followed by pictography where a token represented one concept and used one type of information. It did not use any syntax. Later, logographs came into picture where the phonetic signs helped writing to get rid of accounting. The funerary inscription on stones, or tomb brought an advancement in the field of writing. Followed by which, alphabets and modern alphabets were invented. Hence there was a huge shift of writing from visual to aural.

Years ago, it was a time-consuming process to get one’s book published. From preparing the manuscripts to reaching out to the publication houses, it was a slow process. On the contrary, one can get his\her book published sitting at home.

With the advent of Internet, it has become so easy to research about anything. Long time ago, when people had to research on a particular subject, they used to sit for long periods of time in library, or in general they used to take advices from their ancestors or someone who was skilled and proficient or considered as the expert of the subject. It was a very tedious job to outline the ideas on paper, or to prepare the manuscripts. But with the passage of time, writing has become so easier and faster. In today’s world, writing is not only prohibited to follow the rule or nomenclature. However, it has emerged as a way to express oneself with the freedom of putting forth their emotions in a captivating way. People now a days are ready to take risks and they are exploring as many opportunities as they can. They are not only investing their entire time, efforts in the field of writing, they are pursuing writing as their hobby, interest or a full-time career. Internet has made it easier for the budding writers. Last but not the least, being a writer is a personal calling, salaried or non-salaried.

Blog Writers- Tripod Stories™

Dr. Sanjana Sharon

( Instagram - @thewildflower1294)

Nitika Sharma

( Instagram -@unutteredemotions

Adity Sinha

( Instagram - @_the_unfinished_poetry)

Saba Shahid

( Instagram - @saba.sshahid)

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