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Is it ethical to disregard societal problems which don’t directly affect you?

“If we don’t think it exists, it simply won’t.”

Remarked on gender inequality, one of the most intellectual people I know. As much as I like to learn from her wisdom, the aforementioned belief of hers was contradictory to every cell in my body. In layman’s terms, it begged me to ignore the reality, which seemed immoral and unethical to me.

Ignoring what is happening universally, only because it doesn’t affect you, is one of the most selfish things one can do. Gender based discrimination; a prevalent social process which is very strongly still in action, cannot be over seen for the sole reason of you not being affected by it on a personal level. If such a ubiquitous practice does not hinder your comfort, then you are a privileged person, and if a privileged person does not use his/her advantage to help the ones being agitated in actuality, that person is undeniably self-centred. The subtle sexist comments from a family member will eventually target you, so stand up for it before it’s too late.

As one of the greatest activists of the 21st century Malala Yousafzai has said, “We realise the importance of our voices only when we’re silenced.” Be it gender inequality or capitalism, our voices matter and after being privileged enough to not be troubled by it, one needs to speak up for those who are awfully affected.

We as human beings need to support each other, and for a distressing cause like so, coming in solidarity is essential to defy all norms which have been constructed socially. Gender inequality is far from getting eradicated. Our fight against it has only begun and we are a long way from winning, if people refuse to even acknowledge the fact that such a disparity exists.

Blog by: Saba Shahid

Instagram: @saba.sshahid

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